what the future holds

In 2005, we planted Grace Community Chapel with a vision to “go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:18-20). God slowly unraveled his plan for us in three phases:


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Phase one

The plowing and planting phase as God faithfully guided us through the first five years.

phase two

Centered on sustainability as God watered our church in the subsequent five years.

phase three

is the next phase and it is centered on release of spiritual power in various spheres of influence

We believe God is divinely moving in our third phase to empower GCC to act on three primary convictions. Those convictions are to build the following:

Bible-Based School

GCC’s vision is to build a Bible-based school that will not compromise the word of God and train and raise godly leaders who will be at the forefront of God’s kingdom work. As federally funded institutions, schools are compromised by the government’s agenda and we are in dire need of schools that will raise up godly leaders according to God’s word. Our church will build curricula, teachers, and resources to develop a church that will teach the word of God to raise up godly leaders.


Church Planting Center

GCC’s vision is to create a church-planting network to guide and support church plants. Our experience with multiple church plants and satellites granted us wisdom and testimonies about God’s heart for church-planting. We believe that it is now time to initiate partnerships with other churches and church-planting networks to build a church-planting center that can guide and support other church plants. This will not be just a local effort or one sustainable church promoting its own agenda but a greater church-planting network that will plant churches globally.

Missions Center

GCC’s vision is to build a missions center that can help sustain the mental, physical, and spiritual health of full-time missionaries to do God’s work in the world. Currently, we have four active long-term missionaries and many part-time missionaries. By next year, we will have eight full-time missionaries. We have a Missions Director and now we are moving towards making a missions center that is beyond GCC.
These three ambitious undertakings are ones that border on impossible.
But, as Jesus said, “What is impossible with man is possible with God”!


Grace Community Chapel has experienced the faithfulness of God in powerful and measurable ways. In this section we have highlighted just a few of the ways where we have seen God working in our church. And we always encourage our members to encounter God firsthand by not sitting on the sidelines and instead acting as God’s hands and feet to the nations. This applies in missions as it does in partaking in church retreats and events. We believe that the more we invest into the Kingdom of God, the more we reap from the Spirit of God. And the fruits are evident!
  • Missions capacity – 100%
  • Retreat Attendance – 90%
  • 1000 Member Goal – 55%
  • % who are Leaders – 25%

church plants

Full Time Missionaries


Missions Sites