Grace Treehouse Enrollment

Priority Enrollment for Grace Treehouse Preschool for 2020-21 School Year is now open to GCC Members and Friends ONLY (until 2/24/20). Please find out more about GTH Education and register online at Grace Treehouse Website ( Don’t miss...

Meeting Space Reservations

For meeting spaces and room reservations, please use the Meeting Space Reservation Request form found on the GCC app. Once confirmed, the event will be added to our GCC Master Cal-endar. Please submit requests at least 2 weeks prior to the event date. Please contact...

Wives Bible Study – 2/12

There will be a 12-week Women’s Bible Study on Wednesday’s at 10AM led by Pastor Jae and Pastor Paul. It will start on 2/12 and will go for 12 weeks. This is open to any wives and/or moms who want to study the Word with other wives and moms. You can sign up through...