Volunteer for Transportation Ministry!

Transportation Ministry is looking for an additional 3-4 drivers for the city van. We are down to 3 people and need to recruit some new drivers. Driving rotations would be every 6 weeks. Please contact Lewie Soaivan at lewiesoaivan@gmail.com to join.

Encourage Andong Orphanage!

We are putting together a message of encouragement for our sisters Bitna, Minkyung, and our friends at Andong Orphanage. Their region is highly affected by Corona virus. If you would like to send a message or prayer for them, kindly submit your note, Bible verses,...

40 Days of Prayer!

We are starting 40 day EMP on 2/26 (Wed) for Bergen and KM. It will continue throughout Lent (Mon-Fri). For those who go to work early, the first EMP starts at 6AM and the second EMP at 7AM.