Mango House Visits GCC!

Our friends from Mango House will visit us from 10/27-11/9! Please join us as we spend time with them, feed them, love them and bring to life what Christian community means! We have been so blessed through mentoring trips that we’ve attended. Now is our time to...

Hallelujah Camp!

This year, we will have a Hallelujah Camp, which will be an extended 3-day camp (10/31 – 11/2: Thur-Sat). We will meet from 6PM – 8:30PM on 10/31 and 11/1, and 11/2 (Sat) from 10AM-1PM. Children will be taken on a journey beyond this world to explore God’s power...

Fasting in Bergen

Bergen site will be fasting for October. Please sign up on the calendar in the Welcoming Center. We pray that God will answer our prayers as well as remind the church how powerful prayer can be.