Passion Week EMP

Join us for Passion Week (4/15-19) Early Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer! EMP will be 6AM-7AM M-F and we are offering Evening Prayer at 8PM on M, T, W, and Th for those who cannot come to EMP. (Please do not park on North St. on Monday and Thursday.)

Good Friday & Easter Service

Good Friday Service will be held at our Teaneck church on Friday 4/19, at 8PM with all three sites coming together for worship. Easter Sunday service will be held on Sunday 4/21 at each respective site at their respective service times. Come celebrate with us as we...

Mentoring Trip – Sydney, Australia

There will be a Mentoring Trip to Sydney, Australia from 9/27 – 10/5. The purpose of this trip is to scout the land for the Australia church plant. Those that are interested in going to be part of the church plan will get priority, but if you are interested in...

We Need Men’s Sportswear!

The Austria STM is seeking men’s sportswear donations. If you are able and willing to donate gently used men’s soccer cleats, sneakers, athletic shorts/pants, sports jerseys, any and all dryfit gear, please contact Richard Kim

Encounter Conference 2019

Encounter 2019 is a couple weeks away! We are still taking registrants. If you want to serve in any way or want to attend (don’t have to be college student), please register immediately at or reach out to Phoebe Choi for more...