Are you the G.O.A.T? You the real MVP? Prove it. Calling all cell group zones to compete in GCCNB’s first official sports day… ¡GAME OF ZONES! This war zone will test your loyalty, grit, and unity within your respective zones. So bring your A game or someone will hand...

Help Plan the Bergen Retreat!

We are putting together a team to help plan our Bergen-site Retreat that will be held later this year. If you would like to be involved with the planning for the retreat, please contact Matt Oh (matthew.oh@gccnj.org).

Work & Faith Seminar – 3/30

There will be a Work and Faith Seminar on 3/30 (Sat) in New Brunswick. Please RSVP through the link found on the GCCNB Facebook event page. This event will consist of how to practice faith in the workplace. There will be testimonies and a Q&A session as well as...

Pray With Us in the Upper Room!

Join Upper Room on March 17 @12:30pm in UFH-3 to pray for our missionaries, partner sites, and people around the globe. Next Sunday, we will be praying for the Thailand STM team before they depart. Please contact Shelly Oh at sae.hyun2@gmail.com for more...